Nobody likes going to the doctor. Sure, we all understand just how important it is, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t need to drag us kicking and screaming to get a basic check-up. We really respect the fact that doctors do their jobs because they know it’s good for us, no matter what. Some doctors even go above and beyond to make their patients crack a little smile. So would you eat an apple a day to keep these doctors away? Read on and decide for yourself!
The Tooth Fairy Looks a Little Different Today
If there’s one thing that little kids hate, it’s going to the dentist. Sure, going to the regular doctor is bad too, but the dentist is absolutely horrifying when you’re a child. And for some of us adults too. Those drills are scary! Our dentists never really did anything to calm our racing hearts, but this one went above and beyond for his young clients. Yes, he actually dressed up as the Tooth Fairy for their entertainment.

While we doubt any kid was convinced by his costume, their giggles probably made them feel much more comfortable. From the look on his face, we’re guessing that’s not his regular office outfit.
How Come We Don't Get This Level of Service at the Doctor's?
There are many important requirements to be a vet. You need to have a ton of education, proper training, and the right temperament. But, of course, there’s one thing that’s more important than all of that. You can have the degrees, but you still can’t be a good vet unless you really, really love animals. Take this photo as an example. This person was clearly born to be a vet on their love of animals alone.

We just wish we could get this kind of loving treatment from our own doctors, because they just stick us in a robe and make us wait for hours and hours.
This Sign Has All The Wisdom You’ll Ever Need
There are some lessons in life that you just need to learn for yourself. You can hear that getting pulled over by the police for speeding is stressful, but you’re probably going to drive a bit recklessly until the fateful moment that you see those lights in your rearview mirror for the first time. The same thing can be said about commenting on a woman’s weight. You don’t truly know how dangerous it is until you do it.

This sign looks like a fun fact about the difference in health between men and women, but it also highlights an important lesson that everyone needs to keep in mind. Keep those comments to yourself!
If This Guy Can Do It, Maybe We're Not Totally Hopeless
They say that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, and that’s surprisingly accurate. Just try teaching an 11-year-old chihuahua to roll over. It probably won’t listen to you at all. The same adage applies to many humans as well. Some people are so stubborn and stuck in their ways that they just refuse to do anything that’s new. The whole controversy around wearing a mask is a great example of this.

All the people out there that won’t wear one should take a look at this. Even this dog figured out the right way to wear a mask! It took him a few tries, but hey, can you blame him? He has no thumbs.
Where Do We Sign Up for This Job?
Being a vet is hard work. You got to school for years and years only to have to spend every day helping cats with their hairballs. And, despite what those bills might make you think, it’s not like vets are millionaires either. They suffer through a lot of rough stuff for one reason: they want to make your pets feel better. That’s admirable. Personally, we’ll stick with our jobs, but we definitely admire vets. But that’s not to say that there are no upsides to being a veterinarian.

We’re not sure that getting to snuggle up to a dog makes up for all that is hard about being a vet, but it might. This would almost make up for all the troubles we have in our careers. Almost.
Wait, You’re Saying That Web MD Isn’t as Good as a Harvard Degree?
Doctors have tough jobs. They need to deal with crying, annoying children, and crying, annoying adults. too. They also have to withstand something even more irritating: patients assuming they can diagnose themselves Google is so prevalent nowadays that anyone can search their symptoms and immediately come up with an amateur diagnosis. But guess what? Those theories that Web MD comes up with aren’t really all that accurate. We know, totally shocking, right?

At this point, we can only imagine how frustrated doctors are with patients who come into their offices and immediately explain what is wrong with them. Google just isn’t as knowledgeable as a licensed, degree-holding doctor.
A Good Reason to Stay Home for a While
The pandemic has really changed things. It seems like everyone is struggling with the dissonance between wanting to stay home to prevent the spread while also wanting to go out due to severe loneliness. Those Zoom family meetings are just a pale substitute for the real thing. But there are still a lot of convincing reasons to stay home and avoid contact with other people. No one wants to make other people sick.

But just in case that’s not convincing enough for you, here’s another reason. If all the doctors get sick, vets will need to start taking care of the humans. And they aren’t known for being gentle. Yikes!
An Important Message to All Expecting Moms
Hey, no one ever said having kids would be fun. Yeah, parts of it are great, but many parents will tell you that raising a child is 18 years of pain. Is the pain rewarding? Of course! But there’s a reason why they’re saying that the population of the earth is about to start decreasing. It’s almost like all the millennials got together and collectively realized that having to go through childbirth wasn’t a fun thing to do. Who would’ve thought?

If there’s one piece of advice we could give to anyone having a child, though, it would be to just keep pushing. No, literally. This door to the maternity ward has the right idea. Get it? Ah, medical puns.
We’ve Heard of the Taco Bell Dog, but This Is Ridiculous
If you’re a pet owner, you know just how stressful it is to drop your dog or cat off at the vet. You just know that they’re anxiously waiting for your return, so you can’t linger when you come to rescue them. It’s always a long drive to the vet’s office, but it’s worth it to see a healthy pet looking back at you when you arrive. This person, however, got quite a surprise when they picked up their dog.

No, the pooch didn’t have a cast on one of its legs. Nope, the vet didn’t shave off all of its hair. They just put it in a taco costume. You know, for fun. We like their style.
If Only It Could Keep Away the Monsters in Our Heads
Doctors are known to be firm believers in science. If you come to them expecting some type of holistic cure or magic potion, you’re going to be disappointed. They stick to the facts even when they might be disconcerting to hear. But there are some doctors that make exceptions, particularly when kids are involved. When this child came in sick with worry about monsters in their closets, the doctor knew exactly what to do.

They quickly drew up a prescription for the cure: monster spray. That’s a smart move by that doctor. Now we’re just left wondering why the doctor wouldn’t draw us up a prescription for the Crippling Existential Crisis Spray that we asked for.
Looks Like This Guy Had a Pretty Wild Birthday!
Before you start thinking that this is visual evidence that animals have wilder parties than us humans do, let us explain the context. It may look like this dog just had the craziest birthday of his life, but he actually just went through an operation at the vet’s office. So, no, he’s not taking a nap after drinking too much of his favorite doggy beverage, he’s actually just sleeping off the anesthesia.

But make no mistake: it was indeed his actual birthday. To honor that, the vets at this office decided to take this absolutely hilarious photo. We’re sure he was both confused and delighted when he woke up to his celebration.
Communicating in the Language of the Medical World
Doctors are really good at a lot of things. Getting a medical degree takes decades of tough schooling, so they’re pretty much all geniuses by the time they start practicing medicine. But sometimes that level of expertise comes at a cost. Almost all doctors we know have absolutely terrible handwriting. It must be the same phenomenon that makes all Starbucks workers unable to spell names correctly. They’re too busy with more important things.

The wisdom on this sign is totally unreadable, and we really aren’t surprised. To be honest, this might be easier to read than the last prescription we received at the doctor’s office. We guess that penmanship isn’t a class in medical school.
Doing More Than the Bear Minimum
Wow, those medical schools are really running low on funds these days, eh? It looks like they have resorted to practicing surgery on teddy bears rather than, you know, something actually resembling a human being. We’re not so sure about this. We like Build-a-Bear as much as everybody else, but this is mildly worrying. What if we go under anesthesia only to wake up with one of those bits of plastic that plays a song when we get hugged?

Oh, wait, this is just a doctor doing surgery on a kid’s teddy bear to make them feel better about having an operation themselves? Thank goodness. All those years of playing Operation really paid off.
He Doesn’t Leave Home Without This in His Pocket
We used to make sure we had our wallets and keys stuffed in our pockets before we left the house. But now, it's all about the mobile phone, and the wallets and keys come second. Those are all the absolute necessities you need before you go out into the world, however. But this doctor has proved to us that we need to start getting our priorities straight again: always make sure we have our wallet, keys, phone, and adorable, tiny dog in our pockets when we leave the house.

Of course, we need to get bigger pockets before we can start carrying a puppy around with us. This guy is lucky that he has a doctor’s coat that he can fit one in. We have no idea why he brought that pup to work, but we love it.
Babies, It’s Cold Outside
There’s not a whole lot of fun that you can have if you work with newborns. It’s a stressful job, and it’s not like you can crack cheeky jokes back and forth with the babies. They’re not interested in comedy; they’re preoccupied with coming to terms with their own newfound consciousness. That’s deep stuff. That means that all the nurses and doctors are bound to get a little bored while working with the little guys.

On this fateful Christmas day, one nurse decided to spice things up a little by making sure that all the newborns were in the holiday spirit. We have to admit, their little stockings are pretty cute. Babies still freak us out, but the little get-pus definitely help.
Hey, Is Someone Chopping Onions in Here?
It seems like people really don’t have any respect these days. Even the most wholesome Youtube video generally devolves into a series of bitter arguments in the comment section. People will scream at each other over parking spots. Long gone are the days of people holding doors open for one another. We’re not sure why, but we blame Tik Tok. But there is one thing that can make people treat each other with kindness, and that is this candle.

It’s cool that these vets decided to go the extra mile and make this classy way of alerting their customers to the fact that they should be respectful. Let’s just hope no one brings up politics while it’s lit.
Charlie Is on a Level All His Own
Don't get us wrong - we want all the pets out there to be as healthy and active as possible. We cheer people on when they run past us on the sidewalk with their dogs in tow. It’s wonderful for pets to get exercise. But we can’t help but smile whenever we see a particularly chunky cat or dog. There’s just something really cute about it. We aren’t judging! Body positivity extends to animals too.

And from the looks of this chart, we would find Charlie completely adorable. Sure, he could use a little bit of time at the Kitty Gym. But we could all use some time at the Kitty Gym, right? Also, sidenote, nice artistic skills to whoever drew this cat. C’est magnifique.
It's About Time Someone Put These Bosses in Their Place
Many places of work require their employees to bring in a doctor’s note whenever they are feeling sick. We kinda understand this policy, but it’s also just not very practical. If someone is truly feeling ill, do you really want them to leave the house and struggle to get a note? They should be resting. Not only is it a major annoyance for the sick worker, but it also takes time away from the doctor.

Faced with writing a note for an employee who had the common cold, this doctor decided to air all of his grievances towards the entire system. He wrote this amazing note that probably left this person’s boss speechless. You go, Dr. Savage.
People With Perfect Vision Will Never Know The Struggle
COVID-19 has caused a ton of problems around the world. In fact, that’s a serious understatement. But for what it’s worth, we’re pretty sure that there’s one group that has suffered more than any during this pandemic: those who wear glasses. And no, that’s not because they’re more susceptible to the virus or anything like that. It’s because wearing glasses and a mask at the same time means that your vision may become very, very foggy.

There are tricks you can do to minimize the condensation, but they never work perfectly. The only real solution is to just wear contacts… or to walk around blind. Sometimes ditching the glasses is better than walking around in a fog of your own making.
This Cat Is Better Dressed Than We Are Most Days
You might think that you are looking at the coolest cat on the Internet. You would be mistaken. The coolest cat on the Internet is Keyboard Cat. That guy has been around since 2007, and he can play the piano. There’s really no competition there. But if we’re just talking about fashion sense, this guy might take the (fish-flavored) cake. He might have a few broken bones, but hey, you’ve gotta suffer for fashion.

When he came in after an accident, the vets decided to fit him with the coolest cast they could find. We’ll admit that we were jealous. We couldn’t even get anyone to sign our casts as kids. Sigh.
American, Get on Board
We understand that there’s a whole lot of controversy around vaccines right now, and that means that we aren’t entirely sure if this poster would make the average patient smile or frown. But it’s still a really great example of just how effective vaccines really are. Out of the multiple diseases shown on this chart, the worst decrease was 87%. The rest were all 99%... or better. If that doesn’t convince you that vaccines work, we’re not sure what will.

Seriously, we actually eliminated polio thanks to vaccines. Have you ever gotten polio? Nope. That’s because of vaccines. And, interestingly enough, the polio vaccine also didn’t cause a 100% increase in microchips! Who would have thought? Well, Canada did - now we just need to get on board, too.
They Let Just Anyone Be a Doctor These Days, Eh?
You may have heard rumors about an international job shortage lately, and it’s true. Low wages, a global pandemic, and the fact that everyone would rather sit at home on their computers has contributed to thousands of people quitting their jobs and just not coming back. This has led many companies to hire some, uh, questionably-qualified candidates. This photo shows just how bad things have gotten. This tiny cat scored a job as an assistant at this doctor’s office.

In his defense, he does have a medical degree and several years of experience. He's a pro.
Now That’s an Assessment We Can Get Behind
This woman decided to bring her cat to the vet for a routine check-up, and she was mostly pleased with his results. His diagnostic tests looked good, and she got him some medication for some pain that he was experiencing. But there was also another incredibly important result from his exam: he passed the “Ridiculously Handsome” test with flying colors. As a pet owner, that’s gotta feel good. Vets know a ridiculously handsome cat when they see one!

After seeing this, we’re gonna book an appointment at this office. No, not for our cats. For ourselves. Is that weird? We could just use a little self-esteem boost. Don’t judge.
Let's Hope He's Not Keeping Real Rats in There
In Spanish speaking countries, they don’t have the Tooth Fairy. Instead, they have an equivalent figure known as Ratoncito Perez. And no, that name isn’t fooling you: rather than being a fairy, Ratoncito is a mouse! That means that every child has a mouse that visits them while they’re sleeping to steal away their baby teeth. That’s kinda cute… but it’s also a little creepy. It’s like a dental version of Ratatouille.

This dentist office decided to play on the idea of Ratoncito Perez by putting a tiny little door for Ratoncito to appear out of. You might not even notice this if you just visited for a regular cleaning, but it’s a hilarious little detail.
A Doctor with a Sense of Humor
In our experience, most doctors have excellent senses of humor. We imagine that that’s just part of the job. Being a doctor would be pretty depressing if you weren’t able to laugh some pretty serious things off. That’s probably why the doctor from the Simpsons is always giggling at everything. Or maybe all docs are just giving themselves a little bit of a laughing gas treatment between appointments. Hard to say.

We like puns as much as everybody else, but we’ll admit that we even rolled our eyes at this one. Let’s hope this doctor sticks to their day job and doesn't try starting a new career in stand-up comedy.
You’ve Heard of Elf on the Shelf, but Get Ready For This
Cat in the cupboard? Yeah, that doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. But that’s not the point of this piece of kitty furniture. As all cat owners know, the animals love to hide, and that’s especially true when they are at the veterinarian’s office. So this vet decided to put that fact to use. They installed a cabinet in the examination room so that any worried kitties could hide while they weren’t being looked at by the doctors.

That’s a pretty genius way to make the patients comfortable. That cat looks pretty mad that it has to deal with the doctor, but at least it has a place to hide.
A Truly Appealing Before and After
Going to the dentist is a pain, but it certainly beats the pain of not going to the dentist. Dental health is a really serious issue, and even slacking on it just a bit can leave you with some serious damage. Skipping one dentist’s appointment probably won’t leave you looking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, but you never know. Just try to care about your teeth half as much as Gollum cared about the ring.

Even if you do have bad teeth, though, dentists can do wonders. A mouth like Gollum’s may not actually be recoverable, but you get the point of this before and after. Besides, dentures exist. Maybe Gollum should get some.
Finally, a Pain Scale That We Can All Understand
Pain scales are inherently subjective. What feels like a 5 out of 10 depends on the pain that you have experienced in your life. If you’ve broken a bone before, your 5 is going to be a lot more painful than the 5 of someone who has never had a serious injury. In a way, that’s the point. If the pain isn’t bothering you specifically, it’s probably not an issue.

But what about a more objective pain scale? Could one exist? Actually, yes. You’re looking at it. Numbers 1 through 4 are all pretty normal, but then things start to get… weirdly specific. Don’t you just hate when you get mauled by ninjas? We definitely do.
Something Isn't Right Here
Something isn’t right here. At first glance, this looks like a photo of a doctor surrounded by drawings of himself created by loving children. But that can’t be correct. 99% of kids that we have ever seen at doctor’s offices leave crying, yelling, or both. And they generally sneeze on us too, but that’s besides the point. If this guy really has young patients that love him enough to draw him, he must be giving out two lollipops per shot. No, make that three lollipops per shot.

And really, does any doctor have that many lollipops? He would be out of business. That leaves us with only one possibility: he drew that art himself. We can see why he’s a doctor and not an artist.
Medical Humor Just Never Gets Old
Giving a stool sample to doctors is an awkward experience to say the least. Well, that’s what we used to think. After seeing this photo, we’re thinking that we’ve had the idea of a stool sample wrong all these years. We’ve probably traumatized so many doctors with our stool samples…. Who knew that all you needed to do was just build a tiny stool and put it in a bottle!

Okay, all jokes aside, this is a joke. Does that make sense? We’re guessing this was made by a doctor with a wry sense of humor and a penchant for woodworking. We’ve gotta admit, that little stool is impressively made. Eh, nice work, doc.
The “M” in MRI Stands for Mermaid, In Case You Didn’t Know
Being sick when you’re an adult isn’t fun, but there are certain upsides. To be honest, we’ll suffer through almost anything to stay home from work. But kids don’t feel the same way. Being a sick child means going to strange places and being put in scary machines to get diagnosed. We adults definitely don’t enjoy MRI machines, but at least we can understand the benefits of being put in a cold, shiny tube.

To try to put young patients at ease, these doctors designed this room to look like it was underwater. They then made the MRI machine look like a submarine. That’s a great idea! Now if only someone could make our desks at work that fun.
The Cold, Hard Truth About Vaccines
There’s a lot of misinformation being spread about vaccines these days, and we are here to put a stop to it. If you want to actually know the truth about vaccines, we’ve got it for you. You should know that the best part about vaccines isn’t the candy that comes after them. It’s actually the fact that vaccines prevent you from getting serious diseases that might, you know, end your life.

How’s that for the truth? While that may not be the most friendly messaging in the world, we respect the fact that this office decided to make it clear as day. That’s more than enough motivation right there!
In The Dog House AND Swimming With the Fishes
We love veterinarians for the hard work that they do, but we don’t really think of them as the most creative designers in the world. Most vet offices are pretty utilitarian, and that doesn’t make them very fun to be in. They are also generally loud, smelly, and have no ice cream. We could get over those first two things if there was some ice cream, but alas, that’s never the case.

This office, however, is completely different. Check out that cool aquarium decoration! It was probably a smart idea to make it look like a dog house. If it looked like anything else, any cat in the office would probably try to go and eat the fish.
Got Polio? Got Diphtheria? Got Pertussis? Got Tetanus?
Sometimes we sit back and think that we were born in the wrong time period. All our modern technology can be so exhausting. At times, it feels nice to fantasize about being born in a simpler era where we would just live on a farm, work hard, and enjoy nature every day. But then we remember how far medical science has come, and those fantasies disappear. Sure, living in a simpler age would be nice, but is that worth the chance of getting polio?

What about diphtheria? What about pertussis? What about tetanus? Yeah, you get our point. Modern life can feel annoying when Facebook won’t stop emailing us, but it sure beats the ages before vaccinations.
The Real Reason Doctors Have Those Fancy Band-Aids
Everybody loves those cool band-aids that doctors give out after inoculations, but they actually have them for a very special reason. If they encounter an illiterate patient who is unable to read their prescriptions for medicine, they can use those band-aids to get the same point across. By sticking the same color band-aid on the correct medicine, the patient then knows when to take it. That’s pretty smart thinking if you ask us!

Okay, in all honesty, they probably have those band-aids because they’re just fun. But this is a really clever way to use them. They probably could have just written the times on the boxes themselves, but that’s not as colorful.
Hello There, I’m Dr. iPad!
Technology is pretty amazing. The world looks so different than it used to just a few years ago, and we can only imagine how things will look in 10 or 20 more years. Will our waiters be robots? What about our doctors? Interestingly enough, that time is already here in the medical world… kinda. Due to COVID, this doctor didn’t want to interact directly with patients, so he came up with a new idea.

He put an iPad on top of this contraption and rolled it into the exam room to speak with the patient. On one hand, this is totally ingenious and smart. On the other hand, it’s kinda creepy. And hey, where are the shoes on this doctor?!
A Moment of True Thankfulness… or Hunger
It’s true that dogs bond with people incredibly quickly. Sometimes you’ll meet a dog for the first time, look in its eyes, and it will just immediately decide to be your best friend. Whether that’s because of the purity of the hearts or the simplicity of their minds is up to you to decide. We’ll choose to believe that it’s a bit of both. But one thing is for sure: this dog has a serious connection with his doctor.

It looks like he’s incredibly thankful or whatever treatment he received. But hey, we weren’t in the room. While that’s probably true, it’s also possible that this dog just smelled a treat in the doc’s pocket.
The Cost of Going the Natural Route
A lot of people these days feel that medicine has gone too far. They think that science has too much control over our bodies and that we need to take a more natural approach to solving our medical issues. There is certainly some merit in that idea: there are health issues that can be alleviated with diet, exercise, and sunlight rather than medicine. But vaccines, antibiotics, and other methods are invaluable to us.

If you look to the past, you’ll quickly understand why. The average life expectancy used to be shorter. A lot shorter. Thanks to modern medicine, we now don’t have to worry about a multitude of awful diseases. We prefer it this way, to be honest.
Thanks, Doc
No, this isn’t a wall at the International Museum of Pets (although that does sound like a fantastic place). This is a photo taken by a veterinarian of all of the thank you cards he received throughout his career. We finally understand why vets work such a hard job. They do it for the awesome pictures of pets that they receive! If we were in this guys’ position, we probably wouldn’t even read the messages inside. Forget what Fido’s owner has to say.

The doc who shared this photo did so as he was moving onto a new phase in his life that didn’t involve animal health care. We’re sure that he will enjoy his new hobby of showing off his thank you cards to everyone that comes in his house. We can’t blame him.
Next Time You're Waiting for Hours, Think About This
People love to complain about the wait times at doctors’ offices, and we don’t blame them. It can be frustrating to sit in a chair for two hours while you wait to find out what cold medicine to take. That’s one flaw in the health care system… but we won’t get into that. The important thing is that complaining about wait times is missing the point. If you’re waiting, it means your problem isn’t serious.

Those who get rushed ahead of you aren’t lucky to cut in line. They’re unlucky to be dealing with something so serious that they need to cut in line. A little bit of perspective can change your whole outlook!